Careys Edinburgh Airport FEGP

Edinburgh Airport FEGP

In 2023, EAL appointed Careys to undertake the high risk delivery of new fixed electrical ground power units (FEGP) at Edinburgh Airport. These works are ongoing and due for completion in Feburary 2024.


Edinburgh Airport (EAL)


Edinburgh, Scotland

Principal Contractor


Scope of Works

Our comprehensive scope of works all take place airside and include both day and night working. Our scope includes:

  • breakout and reconstruction of existing bays
  • installation of ground lighting
  • asphalt repair works
  • ducting and new paint markings

FEGP is an environmentally friendly system using electricity which is modified to power an aircraft when stationary in the Stand, therefore avoiding the use of diesel generators or continuously running the aircraft APUs.

In total we are installing 10 FEGP units across the airport.

We have worked in collaboration to meet the challenge of working airside in a live environment with planes continuing to taxi, take off and land as we work. This has required us to closely cooperate with Edinburgh Airport security, engineering, airfield operations and air traffic control.

Careys Edinburgh Airport FEGP

Our Supply Chain

As a directly delivery contractor we use relatively few supply chain partners however we do believe that specialist supply chain partners should be used for specialist tasks. This approach means we can concentrate our procurement efforts on a small number of specialist supply chain partners with whom we have established relationships. To deliver the FEGP we have used specialists to deliver electrical work including feeder pillar etc, telecoms works, safety barriers and mastic work of all the joints and white lining works.

We have a stable, resilient, ethical and well-managed supply chain: 67% of our supply chain have worked for us for over a decade. Due to these long-standing relationships, our supply chain partners are happy to engage with us from pre-construction to completion.

This joint approach has benefited EAL on the FEGP through allowing each specialist a voice which has led to the development of an optimised programme, sequencing, and methodology.

Airside working is more challenging than landside works (not least night-time electrical works) which have been stringently managed and controlled to minimise disruption to all key stakeholders. We have directly engaged with our supply chain partners to manage all aspects of their works.

Careys Edinburgh Airport FEGP

Airport security requirements for the FEGP project are controlled and regulated throughout the CAA, so the following had to be in place prior to the FEGP works starting:

• Issue of EAL Work Area Required Notice to all affected stakeholders a minimum of four weeks in advance.

• Approval of EAL’s Project Process Document, fully detailing proposed works and timings;

• Issue of EAL’s

• Airside Working Permit (AWP) by the Airside Operations Duty Manager (AODM); meeting at the Airside operations Building prior to accessing a works area to review any airside operational changes and gain approval for works for each individual shift Handback meeting at the end of every shift; all staff and operatives, including our supply chain partners, and vehicles required EAL airside passes for airside control post security, with vehicles being searched;

• Any loose construction materials being escorted throughout ‘airside’ time by an EAL security vehicle or a Careys escort vehicle that had been suitably EAL approved.

• Finally, loads also had to comply with EAL Known Supplier controls and secured with a uniquely numbered plastic tag seal inspected prior to airfield access and only to be broken at the place of discharge

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