Careys Project Uses London's First Electric Powered Concrete Wagon

We are happy to have started work on 105 Victoria Street in central London, delivering substructure and superstructure works.

  • Careys
  • Friday 10th May 2024

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This destination development will deliver world class office accommodation along with communal restaurants, a village square, and an activity zone. It has been designed to hashtag#findalternative methods of sustainable development and is planned to deliver a Net Zero operational carbon and embodied carbon building in 2026.

Over the past few months, Careys and Skanska have been working with London Concrete to develop innovative concrete mix designs that support the delivery of this low carbon ethos. We were pleased to welcome the first delivery of concrete in London’s first electric-powered concrete wagon, which will continue to support the project over the coming year.

Follow us for more 105 Victoria Street updates.

#FindAlternative hashtag#105VictoriaStreet

EV Wagon Victoria

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